Saturday, September 29, 2012

Updates and blah

I haven't blogged in a while!  What's up with that?  Life has been busy but not too busy for blog time! I am currently at a Caribou working on PTW II.  I know you're probably thinking, why the hell would she subject herself to that shit again?  But here I sit...Trying to make a difference at an airline, in people's lives.  Anywho, working now.  Just saying hi!!!!

Quick update...filed for Divorce a couple of days ago.  Did anyone see that coming?  It's surreal.  Many thoughts about it I could have (in my Yoda voice).  My life is changing rapidly.  I have finally begun my relationship with yoga and I don't want to ever look back.  I want to become an yoga instructor.  I want people to balance mind body and soul.  I want them to find their strength and the love that is within from our Divine Creator.

Oh, and in other news, in trying to answer the question, what I am I found an interesting answer that still requires some soul searching.  I am an incarnated Angel.  The signs and symptoms are there and there is some yes inside of me as it is concerned.  My ego is reallllllly fighting hard right now to hold on to power.  I will continue to pray and be steadfast.  I must not forgot God in everything that I say, do and think.  I had a huge relapse the other day by going to a dark place.  It wasn't as bad as it could be but I thought I was completely done with it.  Apparently another part of me still needed to grow.